Clinics, Lessons & Demos
One of Cain's greatest skills is his ability as a teacher. He has a unique ability to successfully teach any level of rider, riding any level of horse. We truly do believe that Cain Quam Performance Horses is "Where you and your horse find success!"
Cowboy Mounted Shooting Clinic

1 Day Clinic - $250 plus taxes
2 Day Clinic - $400 plus taxes
3 Day Clinic - $550 plus taxes
Included in this clinic:
rules of the sport
horse preparation
general horsemanship skills pertaining to the sport
desensitization of horses
confidence building
mental preparation to optimize competition
learn how to effectively run a pattern in an efficient manner pertaining to your horses skills and abilities
Young Horse Handling Clinic

Included in this clinic:
build a relationship with your young horse, while establishing a leadership role
halter break and/or gentle and socialize your yearling
teach your horse to follow a feel
learn safety while working your horse
learn foundational groundwork that will be used throughout your horses life
Ranch Roping Clinic

Participant will supply a horse which is broke to ride and swing a rope off of. At this clinic you will learn:
The proper techniques used to safety and humanely rope and doctor animals in the pasture. This includes training of the horse to ensure safety of the rider, horse, and the livestock to be doctored.
Proper techniques and protocol to be followed that will ensure safety as well as efficiency while doctoring animals.
Several different "loops" or techniques used to catch the animal on horseback
Techniques to teach the horse the skills to "log" or pull from the horn and to "work the rope" or keep the rope tight when the rider dismounts to doctor the animal. This is required to keep the animal subdued while doctoring takes place.
Procedures used when doctoring "in pairs" with another rider as well as doctoring while by ones self
Cutting Clinic

The student will supply a horse broke to ride. At this clinic, you will learn the proper techniques used to isolate, supple and gain control of the separate parts of the horses body (hips, shoulders, head, neck and ribcage).
Once the student understands these principles of body control, they are taught to use the body control to maximize the horses ability to stop, backup, turn and spin quickly with smoothness and finesse. At this point the student will learn the principles to apply these skills to working a cow.
This clinic will enable the student to learn the techniques and protocol to successfully train a horse to be shown in a cutting or working cow horse show.
How to drive, sort and hold cattle (one of the most important aspects of working cattle)
The training techniques taught in this clinic will also give the student knowledge to successfully train team penning and ranch horses. It will help the student at home on the ranch when working cattle in the pens.
You will learn the rules and regulations of showing a horse at a cutting or working cow horse show. This will be explained in detail.
Strategies to successfully show your horse at a sanctioned show will also be discussed in detail.
Horsemanship Clinic

Experience a clinic that will take you and your horse to the next level. Where-ever you are on your horse journey, Cain will meet you there and offer you a fun way to get more from yourself and your horse in a safe and supportive environment!
Learn the communication skills to be the leader in your horse-human relationship. Master specific strategies that will ensure success regardless of what your horsemanship goals are.
The student will supply a horse broke to ride. Through an understanding of the horses body language, the student will learn approaches and techniques used to effectively and efficiently train the horse to:
Isolate the different parts of the horses body while riding (head, neck, shoulders, hips and feet)
Conquer the obstacle course, first from the ground and then from the horse back
Once the student learns to isolate the horses body parts, the student will learn the techniques and procedures used to gain control of these body parts. This control will then be used to teach the horse:
Sliding stops
Side pass
Turn arounds
Lead changes
Spook proofing
Speed control
Lead departures
and much more.......

The demonstration will be from 2 - 5 hours. In this time frame Cain will demonstrate the communication used to gain the horses' trust and build his confidence. You will see the transformation from an insecure, untrusting horse to a secure and willing partner.
Cain demonstrates the steps he uses to build a solid foundation on any horse, as he teaches the horse to lead, accept saddle and accept a human. This is a hugely entertaining and information filled event.

Private lessons
Group lessons with your riding buddies
Cain is available for specific lessons for whatever topics you choose
Cain can isolate your specific needs and give you effective strategies to optimize your success, no matter what discipline or rider level